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Faculty Reads
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Faculty Reads
Presents the material from the Faculty Reads display outside the Academy on the third floor of F Building.
Current Faculty Reads Display
Past Displays
Faculty as Writers, Print (Spring 2024)
Faculty as Writers, Ebooks (Spring 2024)
Recommendations from the Provost, Print (Fall 2023)
Recommendations from the Provost, Ebooks (Fall 2023)
Intellectual Freedom, Print (Fall 2023)
Intellectual Freedom, Ebook (Fall 2023)
Engaging Your Students, Print (Spring 2023)
Engaging Your Students, Ebook (Spring 2023)
Serving Historically Marginalized Students, Print (Spring 2023)
Serving Historically Marginalized Students, eBooks
Self Care and Wellbeing, Print (Fall 2022)
Self Care and Wellbeing, Ebooks (Fall 2022)
DEI and Social Justice in Education, Print (Spring 2022)
Faculty as Writers, Print (Spring 2024)
Write More, Publish More, Stress Less!
Writing in Color
Creative Quest
Getting It Published, Third Edition
On Revision
Bored and Brilliant
Writing Science in Plain English
How to Write a Lot
Body Work
Help! for Writers
Where Do You Get Your Ideas?
Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks, Second Edition
Creative Quest
1000 Words
Faculty as Writers, Ebooks (Spring 2024)
Revising Your Dissertation, Updated Edition
Writing Your Doctoral Dissertation
Write to the Top!
Critical Collaborative Communities
Becoming a Successful Early Career Researcher
True to Life
Writing for Science and Engineering
The Academic Writer's Toolkit
Scientific Papers Made Easy
So You Want to Write a Screenplay
A Guide to Publishing for Academics
Productivity for Authors
Recommendations from the Provost, Print (Fall 2023)
White Fragility
White Rage
How to Be an Antiracist
How the Word Is Passed
The New Jim Crow
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent
The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching
Inclusion on Purpose
Inclusive Teaching
Me and White Supremacy
Recommendations from the Provost, Ebooks (Fall 2023)
From Equity Talk to Equity Walk
White Fragility
White Rage
How to Be an Antiracist
How the Word Is Passed
The New Jim Crow
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent
Me and White Supremacy
How to Be an Inclusive Leader, Second Edition
Inclusive Teaching
Intellectual Freedom, Print (Fall 2023)
I Never Thought of It That Way
The Future of Academic Freedom
Free Speech
Learning What You Cannot Say
Navigating Difficult Moments in Teaching Diversity and Social Justice
Discussion As a Way of Teaching
Exploring Race in Predominantly White Classrooms
Who's Afraid of Academic Freedom?
Dare to Speak
Say the Right Thing
Intellectual Freedom, Ebook (Fall 2023)
Handbook of Intellectual Freedom
Academic Freedom
Who's Afraid of Academic Freedom?
The Future of Academic Freedom
Challenges to Academic Freedom
It's Not Free Speech
Engaging Your Students, Print (Spring 2023)
Keeping Us Engaged
Risky Teaching
Habits of Success: Getting Every Student Learning
Motivating Students Who Don't Care
Drawn to Teach
Student Engagement in Higher Education
Diversity and Motivation
Battling Boredom
I Love Learning; I Hate School
Engaging Students As Partners in Learning and Teaching
Engaging Your Students, Ebook (Spring 2023)
20 Strategies for Increasing Student Engagement
Student Engagement Techniques
Student Engagement in Higher Education
Teaching Motivation for Student Engagement
Designing a Motivational Syllabus
Boredom in the Classroom
Teach Students How to Learn
Engaging Students As Partners in Learning and Teaching
Serving Historically Marginalized Students, Print (Spring 2023)
Ebony and Ivy
College Success for Students on the Autism Spectrum
Trans People in Higher Education
The American Dream for Students of Color
Dyslexia in Higher Education
Islamophobia in Higher Education
Creating an Lgbt+ Inclusive University
Supporting Neurodiverse College Student Success
Multiracial Experiences in Higher Education
Adaptive Teaching: a Comprehensive Approach to Accommodation Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom
Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education: A Research-Based Pedagogical Guide for Faculty
I Am Where I Come From
Serving Historically Marginalized Students, eBooks
Voices of Asian Americans in Higher Education
Intersectionality and Higher Education
Understanding Experiences of First Generation University Students
Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education
From Disability to Diversity
Campus Counterspaces
Becoming Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Justice in a Changing World
Queer People of Color in Higher Education
Transforming the Academy
Self Care and Wellbeing, Print (Fall 2022)
Professor Mommy
The Empowered Professor
Supporting the Wounded Educator
How to Be a Happy Academic
Creating a Place for Self-care and Wellbeing in Higher Education
Practicing Mindfulness
The Power of Fun
I Didn't Do the Thing Today
Decolonizing Wellness
Self Care and Wellbeing, Ebooks (Fall 2022)
The Parent Track
The Science of Recharging Yourself in an Age of Unrelenting Demands
Stress Management for Teachers
Staying Mentally Healthy During Your Teaching Career
Teaching Well
Mindfulness for Educational Practice
Teach Like Yourself
The Frazzled Teacher's Wellness Plan
For All You Do
Good Enough
Practicing Presence
The Language of Strong Black Womanhood
Make Yourself Cozy
Effective Self-Care and Resilience in Clinical Practice
DEI and Social Justice in Education, Print (Spring 2022)
Fugitive Pedagogy: Carter G. Woodson and the Art of Black Teaching
Textured Teaching: A Framework for Culturally Sustaining Practices
Implicit Bias: An Educator's Guide to the Language of Microaggressions
Navigating Difficult Moments in Teaching Diversity and Social Justice
Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning
Improving Teaching, Learning, Equity, and Success in Gateway Courses
No Study Without Struggle: Confronting Settler Colonialism in Higher Education
Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education: A Research-Based Pedagogical Guide for Faculty
Social Justice Education for Community Colleges
Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education
The State Must Provide
Current Faculty Reads Display