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Psychology: Articles

Find resources in general psychology, including books, articles, empirical studies, videos and web resources.

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Search Terms

Click the links below to search for articles on this topic.   You can also enter these terms directly into the search boxes of the database of your choosing.  This is just an example of how you can try different combinations of these and other terms to find more results or to narrow in on your topic.


Autism AND Early Intervention

Autism AND Behavior Analysis

Autism AND Communication Skills


Bullying AND Internet

Bullying AND Gender

Psychology Journal Titles

Use the links below to browse articles within a specific journal.

American Psychologist
Developmental Psychology
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Psychological Bulletin
Psychological Review

More journals in Psychology

Looking for a particular journal?  Click the "More journals in Psychology" link above and use the title search box to locate your journal.   You can also browse all journals A-Z.

What are Library Databases?

Search for Articles

Use the databases below to find empirical studies, case studies, scholarly peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters on numerous topics in psychology and related disciplines. 

To locate empiricial studies or case studies in either of the databases below, click "Advanced Search".  Toward the bottom of the page you will find a space to limit the "Methodology".  Highlight the type of study your are looking for before entering your search terms.  This will limit your results to only include studies that use the methods you need.

Too many results?

Limit your search to full text on the left-hand side of the results page for instant access. You can also limit to peer-reviewed which will display only those articles that have been appraised and approved by experts in the field.  Add additional search terms to further narrow your topic such as specific populations (men, women, elderly, adolescents, etc.) or factors (stress, trauma, smoking, weather, etc.).

Too few results?

You may want to broaden your search topic or try using synonyms for the search terms.  Try using a multidisciplinary database such as Academic Search Complete which covers a broader range of topics outside psychology if you are looking at a multidisplinary topic such as business or health psychology.