If accessing the database from off-campus you will be required to sign on.
Your user name and password are the same as your Student portal user name and password.
Subscription databases are available only for Harper College students and employees.
The Harper College Library has several subscription databases available for your research on nursing and related disciplines. These databases are accessible through the Library home page. Simply click on the link for Databases to see a list of databases. All databases are available for current students and Harper employees and are accessible off-campus through a sign-on screen. User name and password: Please use your Harper Student Portal signon to access these databases.
CINAHL®, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, is the most comprehensive resource for nursing and allied health literature.
Cochrane Library and Reports is a collection of six databases containing different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making
Consumer Health Complete™ (CHC) is the single most comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content. It is designed to support the information needs of patients, and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics.
CREDO Reference is a full-text database covering a wide range of subjects and disciplines and containing more than 700 reference books.
Gale eBooks (formally Gale Virtual Reference Library)
GVRL is a collection of over 1,000 reference titles in every subject
An encyclopedic resource covering a wide range of topics related to nutrition and dietetics
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
A reference source designed for students in all health career fields
Health Source: Consumer Edition
This database is the richest collection of consumer health information available to libraries worldwide, providing information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. Health Source: Consumer Edition features searchable full text for nearly 300 journals. This database is updated on a daily basis.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
This database provides more than 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition also features abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals. This database is updated on a daily basis.
Corresponds to the print indexes Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, and International Nursing Index. Includes thousands of records with substantial abstracts.
OVID Nursing Journal Collection
Ovid is a database providing access to 56 professional nursing journals.
Learning Express will help you to prepare for a variety of exams related to certification and entrance into nursing programs, with practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, and information you need to achieve the results you want—at school, at work, or in life. Looking to land a job? You'll find an entire Learning Center dedicated to helping you get the one that's right for you.
PubMed Central is a free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), developed and managed by NIH's National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the National Library of Medicine (NLM).