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Adult English Literacy (AED): Home

In Spring 2022 Harper College Adult Education classes will follow a hybrid learning model, allowing for learning to take place in-person and online. This will require internet access, a computer with keyboard, web cam and microphone.  Students needing access to technology are encouraged to fill out the

Semester Technology Request Form.

Interested in Learning English?

The AED department allows eligible students to take free classes to prepare for jobs in the current economy. The department operates under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

You are important to our college and community. We can help you learn English to prepare for a better job, help your children with their homework, or become U.S. Citizens.

There are 10 levels of ELA classes: 

  • 001/002 Beginning ESL Literacy
  • 003/004 High Beginning ESL
  • 005/006 Low Intermediate ESL
  • 007/008 Intermediate ESL
  • 009/010 Advanced ESL

Click HERE to learn more on how to get started!

To contact the Adult Education Development Office
Please call 847-925-6223 or email

Helpful Resources

Voice of America
A collection of reads on various topics ranked from basic to advanced.

Breaking News English
Breaking News English provides current news stories at varying English reading levels.  In addition, each news story includes free lessons, activities on grammar, spelling and vocabulary practice, comprehension practice and more!  A new lesson is added every two days!

411 TV
"A collection of entertaining videos and engaging web activities, all designed to help you reach your learning goals".  Interesting Things for learners, and Easy Things for Beginners.

Read and Listen to stories online!  Search by reading level, interest and/or topic
Class Code: please email Librarian for access

Tumble Book Library 
A great collection of stories to read and listen to online

Read and listen to stories online.  Hear the words as you read!  Choose the type of read you want at the top of the page in the yellow bar.

Adele's ESL Corner 
Your online English Language Website for Grammar, Listening and Vocabulary.

Learning Chocolate 
A vocabulary learning platform.  Choose your learning category at the top
Try to avoid the ads.

Study Zone!  
Writing and Listening exercises for Levels 1-5 from the University of Victoria.

Bilingual Literacy Exercises for Level 1-5

Learning Express Library
This amazing site offers practice tests, computer skills, jobs and careers, skill builders, and info on US Citizenship.  Create your own user name to do the lessons.  Log on with your Harper Student Portal ID.   
Need Help?  Call 1-847-925-6866

Typing Tutorial - SenseLang
Free keyboard tutorial and typing test to learn how to type, test typing and practice type games.

GCF Learn Free
GCFLearnFree.orgĀ® creates and provides quality, innovative online learning opportunities to anyone who wants to improve the technology, literacy and math skills needed to be successful in both work and life. By delivering over 750 different lessons to millions of people in over 200 countries and territories ABSOLUTELY FREE, is a worldwide leader in online education.

English Meeting
A Unique Resources with Audio and Video for ESL Students and Teachers Worldwide

Transparent Language  
must first create an account through Harper's Off-Campus Access.  Instructions can be found on the right-hand side.

Busuu: Fast Language Learning


BBC Learning English



Visit Harper the College


Transparent Language

You can start learning any of 80 included languages.

*To create an account, you must log in through Harper's Off-Campus Access

Instruction Sheets

LCC Librarian

1375 Wolf Road, Room 104, Prospect Heights, 60070 
Mondays-Thursdays, 9am-1pm & 4-8:30pm
847-925-6000 X2486