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Veterinary Assistant

Veterinary Assistants are an important part of the veterinary medical team. Working with veterinarians and veterinarian technicians, they help provide medical care to sick and injured animals. This Digital Badge program can help you enter the field or advance your career if you already work as a veterinary assistant or laboratory animal caretaker in a private practice, animal shelter or control facility.  Topics covered include communicating effectively with clients and co-workers in the clinic setting, ethics in veterinary medicine, basic animal handling, critical thinking when dealing with animals, veterinary clerical responsibilities, diagnostics, pharmacy, patient treatment, and an overview of surgery, anesthesia and emergency care. 

Harper College is proud to be one of a handful of schools approved by The National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA).

Databases for Veterinary Assistant Integrative Project

The Librarians at the Reading Room want Harper Veterinary students to produce high-quality work. The resources below will help when writing papers or preparing for research projects. As a tip,  it’s always good to start your research online. Many academic journals publish their articles on databases—which can give you a head start on deciding your research topic prior to heading towards the Reading Room Library. 

For a quick Google-like search across many (but not all!) of the Library's online resources, (where you can also limit to full-text, peer-reviewed and scholarly resources), 

try OneSearch:

Below is a list of additional online research databases Harper College has to offer for Veterinary Research:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

This database is a great general reference guide to the field of Veterinary Medicine. Overall in depth reference titles include: A Veterinary Technician's Guide to Exotic Animal Care, Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles, and Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 

Librarian Tip! When searching in eBook databases, use search terms that are more broad. For example, if you are interested in yellow fungus with lizards, start your search with the keywords "exotic animals."  The first result is A Veterinary Technician's Guide to Exotic Animals. Select "Table of Contents" under the title, and then select "Contents." Now you can search for specific keywords by clicking "search within" located on the top left side of the page.


This is the best Harper College database on general reference Veterinary titles. Overall in depth reference titles include: Veterinary Toxicology, Textbook of Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Systemic Pathology, Veterinary Surgical Oncology, Veterinary Sciences and Medicine : Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, Equine Veterinary Nursing (2nd Edition), Practical Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, and more

Librarian Tip! eBrary is actually a very search friendly database. For example, a search for "Streptococcus equi" will result in titles that do contain the Equine disease. To find the exact page and section, you will have to select the eBook you want to search and then click "Read Online." Now, type your search terms in the search box.

Academic Search Complete

A great database to begin your search for articles. A search for, "Streptococcus equi" will result in 319 results. 

Librarian Tip! Be sure to "Limit" your results to include full-text,   Scholarly (Peer Reviewed)  Journals, and narrow the Publication date to the last ten years to be current.  This search will now result in 84 results. 

Access Science

AccessScience@McGraw-Hill, the online Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, contains information on an array of science & technology subjects. 

Librarian Tip!  Be sure to use the Advanced Search option.  Also, make sure to combine search terms with AND and OR (in uppercase).  When searching for an exact phrase, make sure to use quotations marks (example: "swine production")

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica Student Encyclopedia, and Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Membership also includes access to research tools, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary and thesaurus, and rich multimedia.  (This website allows for image downloads)

Alexander Street Video

Alexander Street Video includes all of the video published by Alexander Street Press. Popular subjects include: American History, Art and Architecture, Black History, Business and Economics, Counseling, Criminal Justice, Dental Education, Education, Ethnic Studies, Healthcare, Humanities, LGBT, Literature, New World Cinema, Nursing Education, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Sports Medicine and Exercise Science, Women's and Gender Studies, Science, World History, World Languages, and more.

See programs: Vets in Hong Kong, Vets on the Wild Side, Wildlife SOS

Films on Demand

Films On Demand is a multidisciplinary streaming video library of 20,000+ multidisciplinary titles. Harper's access includes Nursing videos.


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1375 Wolf Road, Room 104, Prospect Heights, 60070 
Mondays-Thursdays, 9am-1pm & 4-8:30pm
847-925-6000 X2486