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FYS Faculty

FYS Outcome

The Career Research Assignment supports students in achieving the following FYS outcomes:

  • Career Development-Developing an Academic and Career Plan
    • Meet with an advisor, explore career and/or major opportunities within an Area of Interest, and create an educational plan which includes academic and career goals and explores pathways for completion.
  • Information Literacy and Source Documentation
    • Research print and electronic sources, assess their credibility, and support a position using appropriate documentatio
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
    • Identify and evaluate issues, problems, positions, and supporting evidence through an objective critical thinking process

Career Research Assignment

Career research is an important component of many FYS courses, and the Library's assignment offers the opportunity for students to learn valuable information literacy skills while they investigate possible occupations.

If you have another career research activity you prefer to use, no problem! A librarian would be happy to discuss how we can support your existing activity.

Learning outcomes:

  • Students will be able to articulate how to access library help and ask their question in a way that matches their needs
  • Students will be able to choose the appropriate tool to find the information they need about an occupation
  • Students will be able to utilize presented research tools to find basic information about a chosen occupation


This lesson can be completed on campus, in a synchronous online session, or asynchronously via videos. Students will either get a lesson from a librarian or watch 3 brief videos and one short reading to prepare them for the assignment.

Then, students will complete the Career Research Worksheet designed by the Library to start documenting information about their chosen occupation. (The Worksheet is available in the "Start Smart" Blackboard shell, or ask a librarian.) If students are doing the Personal Development Plan or another similar assignment, the Career Research Worksheet is specifically intended to help them collect information they will need for the PDP.

Time needed:

For on-campus or online synchronous: about 60-90 minutes (30 minutes for a live lesson with a librarian, plus 30-60 minutes to complete the Worksheet on their own)

For online asynchronous: about 40-60 minutes (15 minutes to watch videos, plus 30-60 minutes to complete the Worksheet on their own)