La biblioteca de Harper College ahora tiene Chromebooks, Wi-fi hotspots, calculadoras gráficas disponibles para préstamo del semestre.
El equipo estará disponible a través de nuestro servicio curbside para
recoger hasta agotar existencias.
Los estudiantes deben estar registrados para el semestre de primavera 2023 para el préstamo de equipo.
Visite la Sala de Lectura para más información.
OpenAthens will replace "Off Campus Access" as the means of database authentication. OpenAthens is a Single sign-on (SSO) method that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password. When students/employees log in to the MyHarper portal they have access to the library's remote resources without having to log in again.
When using a computer or table that is not part of the Harper College network, you will be asked to log-in, before you are able to view online library resources. When you are presented with the Open Athens screen (see image below), select "Sign in with your MyHarper User Account" and use your MyHarper username and password to authenticate.